Custom Whitening Trays In New Lenox, IL

If you're interested in improving the appearance of your smile, consider teeth whitening as a cosmetic dentistry option. It's a simple and convenient way to achieve a brighter smile with Nelson Ridge Family Dental's custom whitening trays in New Lenox, IL, offering a convenient alternative to professional in-office teeth whitening. These snugly fitted trays come with a bleaching gel for at-home use, allowing you to lighten the color of your teeth gradually. Following the recommended usage, our at-home teeth whitening ensures a beautiful, radiant smile within just two weeks.

Teeth Whitening

Benefits of At-Home Teeth Whitening

As time passes, your teeth may develop a yellowish or dull appearance, impacting your self-esteem and social interactions. Fortunately, advancements in dental technology now allow you to achieve a whiter smile conveniently at home. The benefits of custom whitening trays include:

  • Faster results compared to store-bought whitening kits.
  • Comfortable wear without causing discomfort to the soft tissues.
  • Adjusted whitening solution for safe usage, avoiding harsh effects on gums.
  • Attainment of your desired teeth shade within just two weeks.
  • Immediate resolution of any issues that may arise during the treatment progress.

Professional Whitening Take-Home Kits

The take-home tray whitening process is comfortable and requires only a brief visit to our dentists. Before beginning the whitening process, our dentist will clean your teeth and address any existing dental issues, such as cavities or gum disease. The next step involves crafting your custom take-home whitening trays, also known as stents or custom bleach splints. After taking an impression of your teeth, our dentists will use the molds to create these trays. The trays, which are durable, lightweight, and clear, typically take a few days to be produced.

Once ready, you can take these trays home and use them following our dentist's guidelines. For at-home application, our dentists will advise you to place a small amount of the bleaching solution into the clear trays and wear them for up to four hours a day, spanning one to two weeks.

After each use, the trays should be cleaned with a Q-tip or cloth and rinsed. While it's generally not recommended to use whitening trays for consecutive days, they can be reused over time to enhance your smile, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week as a good rule of thumb. It's important to note that achieving significant results with whitening trays may take longer for teeth with dark, tough stains compared to other treatments.

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