Crown Lengthening In New Lenox, IL

Crown lengthening is typically done to enhance gum health or to prepare the mouth for restorative or cosmetic treatments. It can also address a "gummy" smile by removing excess gum tissue and revealing more of the natural tooth. This procedure involves reshaping or recontouring the bone and gum tissue and can be done on one tooth, multiple teeth, or the entire gum line, resulting in a more attractive smile.

Crown Lengthening

The Importance of Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a versatile and common procedure that has many effective uses and benefits. The vast majority of patients who have undergone this type of surgery are highly delighted with the results.

Here are some of the most common reasons for crown lengthening:

Restoration of damaged teeth: Periodontal disease, trauma, and decay can all lead to significant damage to the teeth. In cases where the teeth have been broken below the gum line, crown lengthening is a procedure that can be performed to prepare the area for a new restoration, effectively correcting the damage to the teeth.

Cosmetic uses: Excessive gum tissue can give the appearance of unnaturally short teeth and can also make individuals more prone to periodontal infections. By removing the surplus gum tissue, a balanced and healthy look can be restored, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the smile.

Dental crowns: Crown lengthening is a procedure that creates additional space between the dental crown and the underlying jawbone. This is done to protect the gum tissues and bone from potential damage caused by the placement of the new crown.

What is the procedure for crown lengthening?

Crown lengthening is typically performed under local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure depends on the number of teeth involved and whether any bone removal is necessary along with the soft tissue. Any existing dental crowns will be removed before the procedure and replaced immediately afterward.

To separate the gums from the teeth, your dentist will make small incisions around the soft tissue. Even if only one tooth requires re-contouring, neighboring teeth are usually treated for a more even reshaping. This separation allows your dentist to access the roots of the teeth and the underlying bone.

In some cases, removing a small amount of tissue is enough to expose the tooth for crown placement. In other cases, your dentist may need to remove a small amount of bone around the teeth. Special hand instruments and rotary instruments, similar to a drill used in cavity treatment, are used to remove the bone.

After surgery, the gums will be repositioned, making the teeth appear longer. An intraoral bandage will be used to secure the surgical site and prevent infection. Your dentist may prescribe pain medication and provide a chlorhexidine mouth rinse to reduce bacterial growth. It takes approximately two to three months for the surgical site to fully heal.

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