Tooth Extractions In New Lenox, IL


What is the procedure for tooth extractions?

Extractions are performed to maintain your oral health and eliminate troublesome teeth. Advanced gum disease may necessitate the removal of teeth, while impacted wisdom teeth may also require extraction. Rest assured, we conduct extractions in our office with utmost care, ensuring your safety, comfort, and convenience.


Why are tooth extractions necessary?

Extractions are typically done as a last resort to preserve a tooth. Certain teeth can negatively impact your oral health, so it is advisable to remove them before they lead to problems like shifting, infection, and damage within the mouth. There are various reasons why you might require or desire an extraction, including:

Wisdom teeth affected

Badly damaged teeth

Cracked or broken teeth beneath the gum line

Baby teeth that are difficult to remove

You want to avoid getting more treatment

What individuals are eligible for tooth extractions?

By conducting an examination, we can assess whether an extraction may be necessary. It is generally recommended for most patients who require an extraction to undergo the procedure. Keeping a problematic tooth intact can potentially lead to future complications such as infections and abscesses. To aid in accurately determining the need for an extraction, we will also take x-rays.

During a tooth extraction, what occurs?

First, we offer the option of anesthetic or sedation according to your preference. During your consultation, we can discuss the different sedation options available. Once you feel comfortable, we will proceed to loosen and extract the tooth. If necessary, we may also place sutures to close the gums. To control any bleeding, we will have you bite down on gauze. If you have been sedated, we will take you to a recovery room until you are fully awake. If general sedation was used, it is important that a friend or relative accompanies you home. Lastly, we will provide you with essential aftercare instructions that must be followed.

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