Gum Grafting In New Lenox, IL


If you have receding gums, gum graft surgery may be recommended to you. This procedure helps to cover the exposed root of the tooth and prevent further recession. It also aids in preventing decay, bone degeneration, and tooth loss. Gum grafting offers various benefits such as reduced sensitivity to hot and cold foods, improved oral health, and an enhanced appearance of teeth and gums. It is important to note that gum grafting surgery should be performed by a surgical specialist due to its technique-sensitive nature.

Gum recession can be caused by gum disease, which is the most common factor. However, it can also result from brushing too aggressively, teeth grinding or clenching, hormonal changes, smoking, and even lip piercings. To prevent further gum recession, it is crucial to brush gently twice a day, floss once a day, and visit your dentist for regular cleanings every six months.

Gum Grafting

Gum Graft Surgery

Gum grafting is a procedure that aims to cover exposed tooth roots with gum tissue. The tissue used for this purpose is typically taken from the roof of the mouth. The treatment can be performed on one or more teeth, depending on the severity and location of the gum recession in a patient.

There are different types of gum grafts available, and your doctor will recommend the most suitable one for your case. The most commonly used type is called a connective tissue graft, which involves using tissue from the palate. Another type is free gingival grafts, which are similar to connective tissue grafts but are used for patients with thin gum tissue. However, free gingival grafts are not as commonly used as connective tissue grafts due to the higher risk of pain during recovery. This is because the tissue is taken from the outermost layer of the palate, leaving the area exposed. Nevertheless, following post-operative instructions can help reduce the risk of pain.

Gum Recession Treatment

Pain is a normal occurrence for the first 3 days after gum grafting and should decrease as the healing process progresses. It is common to experience slight swelling in the treated area. To reduce swelling, you can apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel. It is recommended to alternate applying the ice pack for 10-20 minutes and then taking a 20-minute break during the first 48 hours after surgery, or as needed. Your doctor will discuss pain relief options with you, such as Ibuprofen or a prescription pain medicine.

Gum grafting is an effective procedure for treating gum recession. When performed by a skilled dentist using the appropriate surgical technique, pain can be minimized. Contact our office near New Lenox, IL today to schedule your free consultation and 3D scan.

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