Invisalign In New Lenox, IL


Achieve Straighter Teeth In Just 6 Months.

Approximately 300 million people face the challenge of having misaligned teeth. Luckily, there is a simple solution available. At Nelson Ridge Family Dental, we offer Invisalign as our preferred method for straightening teeth, suitable for all age groups.

Invisalign is a great choice for those who want to avoid the inconvenience, discomfort, and time commitment associated with traditional metal braces. This highly effective approach uses a series of clear, customized aligners to achieve excellent results.

Be cautious of trendy mail-order teeth alignment kits and their extensive marketing materials. The alignment of teeth is an important matter that should always be supervised by a dentists. If you have any questions, we are here to provide honest and transparent answers to help you make the best decision.


Fast Facts About Invisalign

Who qualifies as a suitable candidate for Invisalign?

Many people can benefit from this aesthetic procedure. However, the key factor often depends on your ability and willingness to follow the treatment plan. Ask yourself, "Can I commit to wearing my aligners for 22 hours every day?"

Is Invisalign an option for teenagers?

If your teenager is dealing with underbite, overbite, overcrowding, or gap concerns, Invisalign is an effective solution. However, some adolescents may struggle to wear their aligners for the recommended 22 hours daily. In such cases, traditional braces might be a better alternative.

What You Receive Through Invisalign At Nelson Ridge Family Dental

  1. At Nelson Ridge Family Dentals, we utilize 3D imaging to ensure precise visualization and planning of your desired outcomes.
  2. Our process includes providing you with custom-made aligners that are designed to gradually reposition your teeth.
  3. It is important to wear each set of aligners for 22 hours daily. You will independently transition to a new set of aligners every few weeks.
  4. To track your progress, we recommend visiting us approximately every 5 weeks.
  5. Approximately every 5 weeks, you will visit us for progress tracking.
  6. The average duration of an Invisalign treatment is 12-18 months, although visible results can be seen in a matter of weeks.
Our passion is to assist individuals in achieving straighter teeth with the help of Invisalign. Witnessing the improvement in your smile as your teeth gradually shift brings us immense joy! Our Dentists will personally supervise your treatment, ensuring its success. We are readily available to provide answers and address any inquiries or worries you may have.

New Patients & Emergency Appointments Welcome!
