5 Tips For Getting Great Results From Veneers

By Nelson Ridge Family Dental

Our smile is one of the first things people notice about us when we talk or smile. And whether it’s because of genetics, improper oral hygiene, or just the natural process of aging, many of us have tooth flaws that keep us from feeling as confident as we deserve.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

To recreate a beautiful, natural-looking smile, ultra-thin shells of porcelain are custom-made to the shape, color, angle, and thickness of your natural teeth & then bonded to the front of your teeth. This way, you can have a whiter smile in just one dental appointment.

How Can Dental Veneers Enhance Your Smile?

New Lenox cosmetic dentists offer dental veneers that look exactly like your natural teeth & are commonly used to correct crooked, twisted, misshapen, chipped, and discolored teeth. Veneers can also fix the uneven gap between teeth.

5 Tips for Getting Great Results From Veneers

Given the comparative cost of veneers, it makes sense to try to get the most out possible. Here are the top 5 tips for getting great results from veneers.

1: Practice Good Oral Hygiene:

You have to care for your veneers just as you would for your natural teeth. It means brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing after every meal. It’s also necessary to see your New Lenox cosmetic dentist every six months for a professional dental cleaning and checkup.

2: Do Not Bite Down On Hard Or Chewy Food & Objects:

You should avoid biting your fingernails and chewy objects, like pencils, ice, popcorn, etc. What’s more, do not use your teeth as a tool. It includes having them act as scissors to open bags or cut loose threads. Doing so can harm the surface of your veneers & your natural teeth. Making them chip and crack easily.

3: Wear a Mouthguard While Participating In Sports:

If you enjoy playing sports that may concern contact with your face, ensure to use a mouth guard. Any effect on your mouth can result in chips or cracks in your dental veneers.

4: Save Your Teeth From Grinding:

Whether awake or dozing, if you grind or clench your teeth, your veneers will soon chip or break. You may require a night guard to avoid grinding your teeth during sleep.

5: Stay Away From Stain-Causing Food & Drink:

Like natural teeth, veneers are exposed to staining. That’s why the cosmetic dentist in New Lenox suggests you refrain from habitually drinking coffee, tea, and wine.

Porcelain Veneers In New Lenox: 

Now that you know about the ways to get great results from your dental veneers & how to make your dental veneers last a long time. Veneers are the best solution if you want a white smile & have a severely stained tooth that a whitening procedure cannot cure. You can consult a cosmetic dentist in New Lenox to have veneers & how to take good care of them. 

At Nelson Ridge Dental, we have the best cosmetic dentist with years of experience in handling cosmetic dental issues & provide our New Lenox patients with the most beautiful smile. So, without any hesitation, contact us today