Recovery Tips to Help You Heal Faster After Getting Dental Implant

By Nelson Ridge Family Dental

Getting dental implants is a big step for you and your smile. There’s no doubt it can be painful, but if you follow these tips, you’ll be back on track in no time.

Get some sleep.

Getting enough sleep is an important part of recovery from dental implants. Getting enough sleep helps your body heal, which means you can get back to normal activities quicker and have fewer complications.

If you wake up feeling tired and have trouble falling asleep at night, try these tips:

  • Get into bed early enough so that you’re sleepy before going to bed. If this isn’t possible for some reason (say, because work keeps impinging on your schedule), then make sure that when it’s time for bedtime every day, there’s nothing else planned or waiting in your life that could keep you awake at night—no TV show or podcast recording sessions! You’ll feel better rested and less likely to get sick from staying up late at night if all goes well with those plans anyway because now they won’t interfere anymore either way.”

Avoid acidic foods and drinks.

Acidic foods include citrus fruits, juices, coffee, and tea. It is best to avoid these items because they can cause more damage than good when it comes to your teeth. The same goes for alcohol which has an acidic effect on the body and will also accelerate the rate at which your teeth rot away if left unchecked by brushing after every meal or snack you consume throughout the day!

Make sure you have a healthy diet.

  • Avoid foods that can cause bleeding. Some of these include:
  • Caffeine, including coffee and tea
  • Chocolates (large doses)
  • Avoid foods that can cause swelling. These include:
  • Chocolate (chocolate contains cocoa powder, which is a source of vasoconstrictors)

Take time to relax and take care of yourself.

It’s important to take time to relax and take care of yourself. The majority of people who undergo dental surgery recover quickly, but some do not recover as quickly or completely as others.

  • Rest: If you are recovering from dental implant surgery, it is recommended that you rest for at least two weeks after the procedure so that your body can heal properly.
  • Relaxation: Take time each day for relaxation exercises such as meditation or yoga to help calm your mind and body down from the stressful experience of receiving a dental implant procedure. This can also help reduce anxiety levels while waiting for a follow-up appointment by giving your mind something positive (like relaxing).
  • Exercise: Exercise may help reduce pain associated with postoperative conditions such as swelling caused by an injury during the surgery itself (such as tooth trauma). However, exercise should never be done without first talking with an expert who knows best practices when starting back up again following any major medical procedure like this one!

Ask your dentist about pain relief options during recovery.

Ask your dentist about pain relief options during recovery. Your dentist may recommend using a pain relief device, such as a tens unit, or taking prescribed medication. Some people experience better results when they take their medications as directed.

If you choose not to use the recommended methods of pain relief, continue to rest as much as possible and avoid unnecessary activity until fully healed.


Hopefully, you’ll be able to use these tips to get back on your feet faster after your dental implant surgery. If you have any questions or need further information about the recovery process, contact us today.