Most Effective Brushing Tips From The Best New Lenox Dentists

Brushing Techniques
By Nelson Ridge Family Dental

Brushing our teeth is something that we all do (ideally!). That isn’t to say that we all do it correctly. Brushing your teeth is an art, despite how ordinary it may appear.

When it comes to brushing your teeth, some methods are more effective than others at removing plaque and maintaining your oral health. Here are six simple steps to make sure you’re getting the most out of every brushing session.

Make Sure To Pick The Correct Toothbrush

You might believe that brushing your teeth with a hard-bristled brush is the most effective approach to remove plaque and tartar accumulation. In actuality, a brush with soft bristles is the finest alternative for your oral health. Because softer bristles are more flexible, they can get into the nooks and crannies between your teeth and access hard-to-reach areas.

Aside from picking a toothbrush with soft bristles, there are a few other aspects to consider when buying a new toothbrush:

  • Look for a brush that has the stamp of approval from the American Dental Association
  • Make sure the toothbrush head covers your mouth comfortably. You should be able to reach the front, back, and tops of all of your teeth, including the extremely back ones. Choose a toothbrush with a smaller head if yours won’t fit.
  • Ensure that the handle fits properly in your hand so that you can manage the brush’s movements while brushing.

You Should Definitely Use A Brushing Technique

When it comes to good teeth brushing techniques, there are a few things to bear in mind:

  • Maintain a 45-degree angle between your toothbrush and your teeth and gums
  • Brush each tooth separately. Each tooth’s outer and interior surfaces, as well as the chewing surfaces, should be targeted. Instead of thrusting the brush back and forth, use short, circular up-and-down strokes
  • Be kind to yourself. Using a lot of pressure on your teeth will not eliminate plaque any more effectively than using light pressure, and it may even harm your gums

It Is Necessary To Mind The Number

Brushing at least twice a day for two minutes each is absolutely advisable. The number of times you brush each day and the amount of time you brush make a significant difference in your oral health.

Shake Things Up Where You’re Starting

The majority of us brush in the same manner every time, even starting in the same area of our mouth. Because most of us lose focus as each tooth brushing session progresses, the teeth you wash near the finish are likely to be overlooked. Start brushing on a different tooth each time to ensure that all of your teeth get the attention they deserve.

You Should Never Skip Your Gums And Tongue

Bacteria prefer to cluster at the point where your teeth and gums meet, so brush your gum line every time (on both the outer and tongue-side of your teeth).

Brushing your tongue, as well as your teeth and gums, is an excellent idea because it removes even more bacteria from your mouth. Brushing your tongue is not only important for your oral health, but it also helps to prevent foul breath or halitosis.

It Is Important To Keep Your Toothbrush Clean

Brushing your teeth with an unclean toothbrush simply spreads bacteria throughout your mouth. To avoid this unpleasant condition, carefully rinse your toothbrush after each use and store it upright (in a cup, for example) rather than on the bathroom counter. Every three months, it’s also a good idea to get a new toothbrush (or a new toothbrush head if you’re using an electronic brush).

Always remember that maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine is necessary if you want healthy teeth and gums. Brushing is a vital factor in oral hygiene. So, brush regularly and avoid serious dental problems with ease. In case you are looking for the best oral hygiene care in New Lenox and the surrounding neighborhoods. Call us to book your appointment today!

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