What to Expect During an Appointment with a General Dentist for Routine Checkups and Cleanings

General Dentist in New Lenox
By Nelson Ridge Family Dental

Welcome to our blog! Taking care of your oral health is crucial for maintaining a beautiful smile and keeping your teeth strong and healthy. And who better to guide you on this journey than a general dentist? Whether it’s routine checkups, cleanings, or more complex procedures, a general dentist in New Lenox can provide all the necessary care you need. In this article, we’ll walk you through what to expect during an appointment with a general dentist so that you feel informed and at ease before stepping into the dental chair. So let’s dive right in and explore the world of general dentistry together!

What is a General Dentist?

A general dentist is your go-to oral health professional who specializes in providing comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. They are the primary healthcare provider for your teeth and gums, ensuring that you maintain optimal oral hygiene and addressing any concerns or issues that may arise.

One of the key roles of a general dentist is to conduct routine checkups. During these appointments, they will thoroughly examine your mouth, teeth, and gums to assess their overall condition. This allows them to detect any potential problems early on and provide appropriate treatment before they worsen.

Regular cleanings are another essential aspect of a general dentist’s job. These cleanings involve removing plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth, which can contribute to cavities and gum disease if left untreated. The dentist will use specialized tools to carefully remove these deposits and polish your teeth for a sparkling smile.

X-rays play an important role in diagnosing dental issues that may not be visible during a visual examination alone. General dentists utilize X-ray technology to get a closer look at the underlying structures such as roots, jawbones, and tooth alignment. This helps them identify any hidden problems like impacted wisdom teeth or bone loss that require attention.

In addition to preventative care, general dentists also offer various restorative procedures such as fillings for cavities caused by decayed teeth. They use materials like composite resin or amalgam to restore the affected tooth’s structure while preventing further damage.

When more extensive restoration is needed due to severe decay or structural damage, general dentists may recommend crowns – custom-made caps placed over damaged teeth –to protect their integrity while restoring functionality.

For patients with missing teeth, bridges are often suggested by general dentists as an effective solution. A bridge consists of artificial replacement teeth supported by adjacent natural teeth or dental implants (discussed later in this article). It fills gaps caused by missing teeth while improving chewing ability and enhancing aesthetics.

Dentures are another option for individuals with missing teeth. These removable dental appliances are custom-made to

What to Expect During an Appointment

During your appointment with a general dentist, you can expect a thorough examination of your oral health. The dentist will begin by reviewing your medical history and discussing any concerns or symptoms you may have. This is an important step as it helps the dentist understand your overall health and identify any potential risk factors.

Next, the dentist will perform a comprehensive examination of your mouth, teeth, gums, and jaw. They will check for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, and other dental issues. This may involve using different tools such as a dental mirror to get a closer look at hard-to-reach areas.

After the examination, the dentist will discuss their findings with you and recommend any necessary treatments or procedures. If there are no major issues identified during the examination, they may simply advise you on maintaining good oral hygiene practices at home.

In addition to the examination, routine checkups usually include professional cleanings performed by a dental hygienist. They will use specialized instruments to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth and polish them for a brighter smile.

Routine Checkups are an essential part of maintaining good oral health. When you visit a General Dentist in New Lenox for a routine checkup, you can expect a thorough examination of your teeth and gums.

During the checkup, the dentist will start by asking about any concerns or issues you may be experiencing. This is your opportunity to discuss any pain, sensitivity, or changes you have noticed in your mouth. The dentist will also review your dental and medical history to ensure they have all the necessary information.

Next, the dentist will examine your teeth and gums using various tools such as a mirror and probe. They will look for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, cavities, or other oral health problems. They may also perform an oral cancer screening to check for any abnormalities.

In some cases, X-rays may be taken to get a closer look at areas that cannot be seen with the naked eye. These images can help identify hidden issues such as impacted teeth or bone loss.

After completing the examination, the New Lenox dentist will discuss their findings with you and create a treatment plan if necessary. This could involve scheduling additional appointments for fillings, cleanings, or other procedures.


Cleanings are an essential part of maintaining good oral health. When you visit a general dentist for a routine checkup, one of the main things you can expect is a thorough cleaning of your teeth and gums.

During a cleaning, the dental hygienist will use special tools to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth. They will also clean along the gumline to prevent gum disease. The process may involve scraping or scaling, which can sometimes cause slight discomfort but is generally painless.

After the initial cleaning, your teeth will be polished using a gritty toothpaste that helps remove any remaining stains or plaque. This leaves your teeth feeling smooth and looking shiny.

In some cases, the dental hygienist may also apply fluoride treatment to help strengthen your enamel and protect against cavities.

Cleanings are an important part of preventive care in dentistry. By regularly getting cleanings done at your Dental office in New Lenox or elsewhere, you can maintain optimal oral hygiene and prevent more serious dental issues down the line. So don’t skip those regular appointments!


X-Rays are an essential part of routine checkups at a general dentist’s office. These diagnostic images provide valuable information about the health of your teeth and jawbone that may not be visible during a visual examination.

When you arrive for your appointment, the dental team will likely take X-rays as part of their assessment. This process is quick and painless. You’ll be asked to wear a lead apron to protect other parts of your body from radiation exposure, while the dentist or technician positions the X-ray machine next to your mouth.

The X-ray images allow the dentist to see any cavities between teeth, hidden decay underneath fillings or crowns, bone loss due to periodontal disease, infections in the root canal system, and abnormalities such as cysts or tumors. By identifying these issues early on through X-rays, your general dentist can develop a treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

In addition to detecting problems with your teeth and jawbone, dental X-rays can also help monitor orthodontic treatments or determine if wisdom tooth extraction is necessary. These images give dentists detailed insight into oral health concerns that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Having X-rays taken during routine checkups allows general dentists to assess and diagnose potential dental issues accurately. So don’t be surprised when they recommend taking some pictures – it’s all part of providing comprehensive care for your oral health!


Fillings are one of the most common dental procedures performed by general dentists. They are used to treat cavities and restore damaged teeth. During your appointment, if your dentist discovers a cavity or tooth decay, they may recommend getting a filling.

The process of getting a filling usually begins with numbing the area around the affected tooth using local anesthesia. This ensures that you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Once you’re numb, your dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth using specialized dental tools.

After removing all traces of decay, your dentist will clean and prepare the remaining tooth structure for the filling material. Composite resin is commonly used for fillings as it can be color-matched to blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth.

The composite resin is applied in layers and hardened using a special light after each layer is placed. This helps ensure that it bonds securely to your tooth and provides long-lasting durability.

Once all layers have been applied and hardened, your dentist will shape and polish the filling so that it feels smooth and comfortable in your mouth. You’ll also be asked to bite down to ensure proper alignment between upper and lower teeth.

Getting a filling is a routine procedure that can effectively treat cavities while preserving as much natural tooth structure as possible. Your general dentist in New Lenox will guide you through this process with care and expertise, making sure you leave their office feeling confident in both your oral health and smile!


Crowns are a common dental treatment that many general dentists offer. A crown is essentially a cap that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its strength, shape, and appearance. It can be made from various materials like porcelain, metal alloy, or a combination of both.

During your appointment with a general dentist for crowns, you can expect several steps to be taken. First, the dentist will examine your tooth and determine if it needs a crown. They may take x-rays to assess the extent of damage or decay.

If it’s determined that you need a crown, the dentist will prepare your tooth by removing any decayed areas or shaping it down to make room for the crown. An impression of your tooth will then be taken so that an accurate custom-made crown can be created in a dental lab.

While waiting for your permanent crown to be fabricated, you may receive a temporary one to protect your prepared tooth. Once the permanent crown is ready, you’ll return for another appointment where it will be cemented onto your tooth using special dental adhesive.

Getting crowns at an appointment with a general dentist is usually straightforward and relatively painless. The result is a restored tooth that looks natural and functions just like before!


Bridges are a common solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile. A bridge is a dental prosthetic that consists of one or more artificial teeth, known as poetics, which are anchored in place by dental crowns on either side.

The process of getting a bridge typically involves two appointments with your general dentist. During the first appointment, your dentist will prepare the abutment teeth, which are the teeth adjacent to the gap where the bridge will be placed. This may involve removing some enamel from these teeth to create space for the crowns.

After preparing the abutment teeth, an impression of your mouth will be taken and sent to a dental laboratory where your custom bridge will be fabricated. In the meantime, you may be provided with a temporary bridge to wear until your final restoration is ready.

During your second appointment, your general dentist will remove the temporary bridge (if applicable) and carefully fit and adjust the permanent bridge onto your prepared abutment teeth. They will ensure proper alignment and bite before securely cementing it into place.

Once in place, bridges can provide significant benefits such as improved chewing ability and speech function while enhancing aesthetics by filling in gaps caused by missing teeth.

Consult with a qualified general dentist in New Lenox if you have missing teeth and want to explore options like bridges for tooth replacement!


Dentures are a common dental solution for individuals who have lost some or all of their natural teeth. These removable appliances are custom-made to fit comfortably in the mouth and restore both function and aesthetics.

One of the main benefits of dentures is that they can significantly improve a person’s ability to chew and speak properly. This is especially important for those who have experienced tooth loss, as it can greatly impact their daily activities and self-confidence.

When getting dentures, you can expect your general dentist in New Lenox to take impressions of your mouth to create a mold. This ensures that the dentures will fit snugly and comfortably.

During subsequent appointments, your dentist will make any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal fit and comfort. It may take some time for you to adjust to wearing dentures, but with practice, speaking and eating will become easier.

It’s important to keep in mind that denture care is essential for maintaining oral health. Regular cleaning with special brushes or solutions recommended by your dentist will help prevent infection or irritation.

If you’re missing teeth, dentures provided by a general dentist in New Lenox can be an effective solution for restoring functionality and confidence in your smile. With proper care and regular check-ups with your dentist, they can provide long-lasting results!


Implants are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth. During your appointment with a general dentist, they may discuss the option of implants if you have one or more missing teeth. Implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth.

The process of getting dental implants typically involves multiple appointments and can take several months to complete. Your general dentist will first assess whether you are a suitable candidate for implants by examining your oral health and evaluating the strength and density of your jawbone.

If it is determined that dental implants are the right choice for you, the next step is to place the implant into your jawbone during a minor surgical procedure. After this initial placement, there will be a healing period of several months during which time the implant fuses with the surrounding bone in a process called osseointegration.

Once the implant has fully integrated with your jawbone, an abutment is attached to it. The abutment serves as an anchor for attaching a custom-made crown that will perfectly match your natural teeth in color and shape. This final restoration not only restores functionality but also enhances aesthetics, giving you back a confident smile.

Visiting a general dentist for routine checkups and cleanings is crucial in maintaining good oral health. During these appointments, you can expect thorough examinations, professional cleanings, X-rays when necessary, as well as treatments such as fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures or even implants if needed.

Regular visits to your general dentist not only help prevent dental issues but also allow them to catch any problems early on before they worsen. By taking care of your oral health through routine checkups and cleanings from experienced professionals like those at our New Lenox practice (mentioning New Lenox again), you can enjoy optimal dental health and keep smiling confidently! So why wait? Schedule your next appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.

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By Nelson Ridge Family Dental